Sunday 6 May 2018

The Rat and Pipe Inn

The Doodkanaal has a number of taverns, for the  miserable citizens often want to drown their sorrows and escape the reality of their surroundings. However unlike other districts the area has very few inns renting rooms, for who would want to pay to stay in the Dead Canal?

For Aalbert Brecht, the landlord of The Rat and Pipe, this is only a small obstacle to overcome before better times return to the district. As such his inn is one of the only places to offer a room at a reasonable price (even though it is just a damp and filthy basement).

It seems however that his establishment serves ale better than anywhere else in the area (in other words, it's less lumpy) and has become the favoured drinking hole of many a mercenary and gang enforcer, all eager to keep
the place open. A strange truce has therefore developed inside, and anyone starting a fight is quickly ejected by a dozen men with sharp daggers and angry looks.
After a few visits, it became apparent that a backroom of this establishment was used as the headquarters of the local chapter of the Thieves Guild, presided by Marinus, the local Captain.

PS: Don't try the pie...

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