Saturday 18 August 2018

Potion Square

City maps and ordnances call it ‘Graf Anders Square’, but this name is hardly ever used by Suiddockers. Ask for Graf Anders Square and you’ll get a blank look, and be told to head towards
Elftown! Ask for Potion Square and you’ll stand a good chance of getting the right directions.

The name comes from the fact that the Square is close to Zegepraal Straat – generally known as Leech Street, where a great many physicians and other healers live and work. The predominantly medical nature of the area is reflected in many unofficial local place-names: for example, locals know the small canal which separates Potion Square from Leech Street as the Poultice Water, rather than its official name of the Tussenkanaal.

Locales to visit on the Square:

  • SL07: Suiddock Watch Station, Number Four
  • SL08: Doktor Markus Puttlangs
  • SL09: Van Arzneier’s Floracopoeia
  • SL10: The Edelmoed Temple
  • SL11: Kluger’s Emporium
  • SL12: Wilhelm Rotkopf, Alchemist
  • SL13: Lisette’s Leather Goods
  • SL14: The Orphanage of Saint Rutha
  • SL16: Old Mother Crumhorn’s Apothecary
  • SL17: Hassan’s
  • SL18: The Long Dragon
  • SL19: Dagblad’s Wholesale Leathers
  • SL20: Sign of the Quill
  • SL21: Droevigger’s Funeral Services
  • SL23: Loewijer’s Tannery

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