Sunday 12 August 2018

The Crab Union Building

Before the Doodkanaal became what it was today, the canal sides were busy with Stevedores unloading goods. All that has gone now, and no men ply that trade. Remnants of the busy docksides still exist though, including what was formerly the meeting place of a union of stevedores and has now been taken over by one of the many gangs that roam the Dead Canal.

Like many gangs, these guys are mostly bored young men, stuck in the Doodkanaal and unable to find work. They therefore live out their days roaming the streets picking fights and preying on unwary travellers, whilst occasionally sneaking into other districts to steal food and drink.

The Claws  have slowly introduced the claw motif into their violent ways, using short spiked weapons in their attacks and carving a claw onto their victims' heads. As time goes on they are becoming less like a bunch of thugs and more like an organised, though violent, cult.

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