Tuesday 6 February 2018


The Suiddock

(needs map)

Suiddock is made up off 5 areas:
“‘This is the Suiddock,’ Thiel said, as they passed through an area which seemed to consist largely of warehouses and taverns. There were more wharves and canals here too, which Ras mainly glimpsed through gaps between the larger structures, most of the berths occupied by ocean-going vessels whose masts towered over the buildings surrounding them like trees in the forest. Other docks played host to riverboats. Sweating stevedores swarmed over ship and boat alike removing and loading cargoes, or transferring them between the two. The vast majority of bundles and barrels seemed to be destined for the warehouses surrounding them and several times Ras had to stand aside to let a laden handcart trundle past. ‘It’s a bit out of our way to be honest, but I thought you’d like to see it. You can’t really get a good sense of what Marienburg is all about until you’ve seen the docks.”

The Bruenwasser Kanal is one of the few channels deep enough to handle the many ocean-going vessels that visit Marienburg. For almost a mile, both sides of the Bruenwasser are lined with docks, warehouses, counting houses, mercantile offices, shipyards, taverns and brothels. This waterfront is Suiddock – the heart of Marienburg, and the crossroads of the world. It is said that everyone and everything that moves into and out of the Old World passes through Suiddock at some point.

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