Tuesday 6 March 2018

Armand Santa’ana

Heading north towards the ocean, Domingo booked passage for himself, his wife Elena, his daughter Esperansa and two sons Estevan and Armand to Bretonnia by selling most of his family’s land and titles.  His destination, the Bretonnian city of Moussillon.  Although perilous, they voyage saw Domingo fall in with several adventure hunters from his homeland, all seeing the Rapier that hung from his belt and paying him the same respect as one of their own seasoned fighters.  It was on this voyage that Domingo met a peculiar band of men all under the tutelage of renown sword master Manuel Casanova.  These men were on their way to Marienburg to seek fortune and riches through their swordsmanship and cunning.

The voyage across the sea was unhindered, many telling tales of the great beasts of the sea, however Domingo was grateful that the smooth seas allowed him much time to speak with these men in search of a place among them for his son Estevan, his first born.  The band of men were impressed by Domingo’s willingness to see his son flourish with steel in a foreign land and permitted the tuition.  As the city of Mousillon appeared in the distance, the mentality of all those on board changed.  Knowing that on arrival, it would be difficult to go unnoticed, all on board broke out their most dishevelled clothes, electing to move unseen rather than cause conflict, Domingo electing to keep company with the band of swordsman, his family in tow, the honour of the men permitting such an attaché rather than seeing these good people into the lands of Bretonnia unescorted.

The road to Marienburg was not purely by sea, the plan was to stay aboard a vessel, traversing the river Grismerie to Guisoreax, then the river Ois to Antorpe before disembarking for a march across the mountains to the border city of the Empire.  As Guisoneax came and went, the river Ois proved a formidable opponent as far as travel was concerned.  Ever ready for battle Domingo explained that between Guisoneax and Antorpe, bands of green skins were known to roam.  Estevan, aged 12 had already begun his tutelage, regularly engaging in conversation and in unarmed foot movements with the band of swashbucklers.  Convincing himself that he was a match for any green skin he would face.

The journey over land was a gruelling one for many travellers, none more so than Armand and Esperansa, left to tend the animals in the Caravan.  The passage through the mountains proved to perilous for some, disappearing in the night without a sound, never to be seen again.  Arriving in Marienburg, only three of the seven men remained with Domingo and his family, the others, vanished.

Establishing themselves as a respectable family within the Estalian community proved difficult.  In Marienburg, there is no memory of the life you once had, no care given to past exploits, only what you are capable of and honour bound to do in the present.  Domingo expected this, his blades serving him on more than one occasion on the streets of the city.  Many who looked upon him saw an old man, not the seasoned soldier he once was.  Within a year, Domingo was a respected member of the Estalian community, employed as a bodyguard in service to the Ataman.
For many years, Domingo’s family prospered within the confines of Marienburg, not willing to return to Estalia as the skills and opportunities far outweighed the return journey.  Estevan proved himself a worthy fighter to his father, his lack of grace more than compensated for by his precise strikes and intimidating appearance.  Still in service to his tutors, the time had come for Estevan to progress inland, into the heart of the Empire, something his family did not agree with, however were powerless to stop.

Armand was fascinated with the art of sword play, from an early age, escaping the chores of his daily life to roam and watch his eldest brother practice his form under the tutelage of the travellers who themselves studied under Manuel Casanova.  Armand however would never take part, being the second born son, his elder brother destined to uphold the honour of his house.

During his adolescent years, Armand grew weary of his day to day life, having watched his elder brother leave home in search of fortune and riches.  Armand was left with his Father, Mother and sister to await the return of his brother, no matter how long it took, applying himself as best he could to his studies, in which he excelled. His father kept reminding him: “Estevan is one with the sword skills, not you. You need to use what the Gods have given you: your sharp mind!”

The winter months brought with them much peril, the ice and snow thicker than the previous several falls, Armand’s father, the respected member of the Estalian community, took ill, passing away during the final snow fall.  This news travelled quickly, Armand’s mother, a beautiful woman was met with offers for her hand and that of her daughter.  Not willing to remarry in such a short time, the spring sun brought with it only misfortune.

After completing his ever-growing roles to provide for his family until his brother returned, Armand arrived home one evening to a blood-stained house.  His sister raped and murdered, his mother’s throat slit, the dagger of her would-be suiter, stabbed into the frame of the door, a note reading foul and horrid curses on this house. The note wasn’t signed, but Armand knew all too well who was responsible for this. For the last two months, the suiters had stayed away, scared off by the men of Miguelito Nunez, also called “Little Round Head” behind his back. This man, who was feared throughout Messteeg because of his many henchmen who would beat up (or, as the rumours had it, even kill) anyone who opposed him, had visited the house a few times and charmed his mother with promises of protection. The only reason he had chased the suitors off was so he could set himself up when he would ask for her hand. His mother, however, saw through his ploy and asked him to be left alone. The lowlife clearly had taken it the wrong way and needed to set an example, lest he’d lose face on the street.

Consumed by vengeance, Armand took up his father’s Rapier, even though unschooled, Armand’s past visits in secret to his brother’s lessons always stuck in his mind.  Also sheathing the dagger stabbed in the door frame, Armand dressed in a long, dark coat and wide hat, an image he had seen before of dangerous men lurking in the back alleys of Marienburg.

Poised for revenge, Armand sold everything he now possessed, home and belongings, his studies aiding him in the arts of language, philosophy, the ability to read and write along with a grounded knowledge in mathematics.  Leaving Messteeg, knowing to stay was to be killed sooner than later, he made his way south through Marienburg. His vengeance would take its time, knowing that in exacting revenge, he would most likely die, something he wished to avoid. Armand came across two men on the streets of Suiddock, both retired former employees of Tobias Marquandt, the well-know owner of Marquandt’s Escorts.  These two men, Dieter and Karel, listened to Armand’s story and offered him their expertise: they would, for a fee, take Armand under their wing, and train him, to be the best, like they had been trained by Tobias himself! This would be at considerable expense, of course, but Armand didn’t care. His finances dwindling steadily, wasted through gambling and drink with the two mentors, as well as on his tuition of the sword.

The training was gruelling, 12 months of intense sparring, leaving marks across him, Armand soon became bored, his money almost gone, his tolerance for alcohol and pain increased, his skills with a blade extensive, according to the brothers. They were amazed by his skill, but warned him to stay out of trouble, lest his name and reputation would reach Nunez’s ears!

Out of money, the time had come for vengeance to reign, bidding his masters farewell, Armand once again set out into the street of Marienburg, preparing to search for the man who had taken everything from him.

GM add-on:

  • After the big showdown between Grossbart and Titus, Armand was appointed as Titus' Champion, in recognition of his part in the action. Bernhardt Von Schwerdblitz has been paid by Titus to cover Armand's training.

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