Tuesday 6 March 2018

Black Goran


"Home in time for Erntezeit", the recruiter had said.

“They never said THIS Erntezeit”
Wasn’t funny the first time. Sure as shit ain’t funny the third.

"Girls love a lad in uniform."
Girls round here love a man who’ll pay and even then only for an hour.

"Cover yourself in glory." 
If glory is dead friends then I’m covered.

"See the world." 
To be fair they never said it wouldn’t be the arse end.

Three years and eleven months of the rush of battle and the crush of the quiet after.
Stuck in a hammock below deck or freezing in shitty barracks in a even shittier port.

So many good men dead. 
All to protect the Van Haagen family's profits. 
Goran the Sly dead for a load of grain. 
Kask for a noble’s horses. 
All of them for nothing. 

I thought they’d never let me come home but 4 years and they owe you a pension.
So home I am... a month short of four years.
"We are re-assessing the structure of our employees at the moment, in particular the crews assigned to ensure the safety of our cargoships. Rest assured, we will contact you as soon as an opportunity presents itself to re-enlist. Leave your details here..."

But a pension I’ll have even if I have to cut it from this city with my knife.

GM add-on:

  • Goran took an oath before Morr to help Siemon with an issue, in exchange for the name of the man who set them up (Chapter 3: Way over their heads...)
  • After the big showdown between Grossbart and Titus, Goran was appointed Luitenant of Luydenhoeck, in recognition of his part in the action.

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