The Pelican's Perch |
At the end of a narrow alley off the street that runs behind the warehouses is a large but unobtrusive hostelry called The Pelican’ s Perch. Every true Suiddocker knows where it is, and it is a favourite watering hole for the stevedores and rivermen. It opens from noon till midnight.
The interior of the Pelican’s Perch is larger than one might expect, having seen the modest entrance. There is a large common room, and a number of curtained booths and siderooms for those patrons who require privacy.
Ishmael Boorsevelt |
The Pelican’s Perch is owned by
Ishmael Boorsevelt, a former ship’s mate who lost his leg when his last ship was destroyed by a sea-monster in the Sea of Claws. His left leg is now wooden from the knee down. Sailors are known for being superstitious, but Ishmael is legendary.
Ingrid Bootenverhuurder |
The Pelican’s Perch offers a wide range of local beers and spirits, including the notorious Alte Geheerentode rum and Braakbroew strong ale. It also boasts an array of brandies from Bretonnia and The Empire, Kislevite vodkas, Albion uisce beathadh and Norse aquavit. The range of drink available is well known throughout the Suiddock - as, indeed, are the prices, which are rather lower than one might expect. The Perch also offers accommodation - there is a bunkroom upstairs, with twelve bunks. Ishmael charges 3/6 per person per night, in advance, whether you get a bunk or not. Ishmael is not averse to overbooking; according to the regulars, the record is thirty-two people in the bunkroom - a total reached after a particularly successful Stevedores’ Guild party.
Entertainment at the Pelican’s Perch includes singers, storytellers, and exotic dancers, all on a nautical theme. There is no regular programme of entertainment – “it happens when it happens”, as the regulars say.
The Perch is named after Ishmael’s pet pelican, Beaky, who has free run of the place – much to the discomfiture of unwary customers! Another fixture is
Ingrid, the barmaid, who likes to join any cardgame that's going on after she finishes her shift.
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