Thursday 3 May 2018

Siemon Teerling

During the absence of Rikkert, this filthy beggar contacted the group.
Rikkert had a job for them, doing a bit of breaking and entering, the target being Frederick Den Euwe, a well-off merchant with a fantastic collection of scrimshaw.

Sweaty Olaf claimed to know the beggar, a member in good standing of the beggars guild.

Siemon was also able, for a price (a meal and "another one of those fantastic beers"), to give them the name of someone who was able to handle the loot without too many issues: Crispijn Van Oosserijcker, from Crispijn's Jewellers near Three Penny Bridge.

After the whole job went pear-shaped, the group decided to 'have a word' with Siemon. He didn't take kindly to their threats, reminding them that he was a member in good standing with the Beggars Guild, and that there would be consequences if he would come to harm. After a bit of a stand-off, he admitted he understood their anger and need for the name of the person who hired him, and offered to give it in exchange for help with an issue he had. The gang was reluctant to accept this, insisting they would be given the name first. Eventually Siemon accepted this, on the condition that at least one of them swore to honour the deal, with Morr as his witness. After Goran took the oath, Siemon gave them a name: Cees Muysser.

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