Down & Out in Marienburg

"It isn't hard to find one's way around Marienburg, provided one is part fish. "
- Imperial diplomat -

"The Business of Marienburg, is business."
- Director Jaan Van de Kuypens -

"Velvet, timber, ships and liquor, even someone's life – they say everything can be bought and sold in Marienburg. But, there's one thing you can't buy here, not for all the tea in Ind: open land. "
- Marienburger trader -

"Look around you! Dozens of islands lashed together by hundreds of bridges, tall spires like masts. This city is like a fleet braced for the worst the sea can throw at it. Too bad the officers have it headed for the rocks. "
- student of the College of Navigation and Sea Magicks -

Welcome to Down & Out in Marienburg, a blog where our group will pen down their efforts to try not to get themeelves killed make it big in the city of Marienburg!

Click on Journal to read up on their adventures, or have a look around between the handouts, PC background and NPC section.
And in case you get lost, there is a Map section as well...


  1. I know you may never see this as it's been a while since you posted, just wanted to say I've come across this little treasure trove and it's helping me make my own little corner of Marienburg in miniature form :)

  2. thanks for the reply! Perhaps one day I will write a sequel to this, who knows. It was fun while we played it!
