of Stoessel, near the notorious Three Penny Bridge, away from the bustling warehouses. The windows are dark and grubby, with rotting bars protecting them, and it looks like no one has visited the shop in some time. In the bay window are a collection of rings, necklaces and watches, all with handwritten price tags - prices way below the norm. Hanging above the door from a rusty hook is a hand painted sign simply reading ‘Crispijn’s’.
The building is built on three stories. The ground floor is the shop, the first floor is the workshop and the top floor is Crispijn’s living quarters. A rusty bell rings loudly when the door opens, for Crispijn spends most of his time in the workshop upstairs. The room looks empty, even though there are jewellery cabinets all around the walls. The cabinets all have a thin iron lattice to protect them, and customers have to press their noses to the dirty glass to peer inside.
The workshop upstairs is something totally different. Visitors only get here if they are invited up by Crispijn, and the area is dressed up to impress. Nice carpets, comfortable seats and a well-equiped bookcase draw a picture of a man who knows what he's dealing in.
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