Sunday 6 May 2018

Marienburg Gentlemen’s Club

The location from which Titus runs the Riddra Thieves Guild, or, as he prefers to call it, the "Guild of Gentlemen Entrepreneurs". It is the nerve centre of the criminal organisations on the island.

The first thing people notice upon entering this “typical” Riddra tavern is the monster of a man behind the bar. Olaf Thurgansson is a huge Norscan who doubles as the Gentlemen’s Club barkeep and bouncer. Despite his size, Olaf is talkative with customers about unimportant topics, like the weather, stories from his homeland, and other mundane topics. In contrast, he is very tight-lipped about the establishment and its owners. Annoying, overly aggressive, or prying customers get to learn the less pleasant aspects of Olaf’s personality first hand. Many of these chaps are barely able to crawl away and find a safe haven to heal.

Three centuries old, the building is structurally sound, but needs some external repairs. Parts of the frontage are cracked and peeling, and a few roof tiles are missing. The windows are mostly cracked and filthy, making it very difficult for someone outside to see in, but perhaps that is deliberate. The club squats on the southern side of Riddra, just across a steep alleyway from the Honourable Guild of Stevedores and Teamsters. The north end of the building stands on piles that emerge from a cut which runs south into the Bruenwasser. The ground floor stands well above the level of the canals – 15 feet at low tide and 4 feet at high tide.

Ranging in age from mid-teens to late 20s and in appearance from pretty to homely, several barmaids work in the common room serving customers their drinks, drugs, and whatever else strikes their fancy. A couple of semi-private booths to one side of the common room offer some opportunities and  a sense of privacy. The only requirement imposed upon the barmaids is that they do not enthrall a customer to the point of financially ruining them as it’s bad business. Better to provide them with a
service that renders them addicted and brings them back for more.

The actual running of the club Titus leaves to Loretta Wakker, one of his trusted aides..

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