Saturday 18 August 2018

The Captains

Clad in raggedy clothes with sooty faces, and perpetually runny noses. But behind each set of eyes is the look of a survivor.

They have to stick together and make it through each day. Older than their years in many ways, the friendship they share with each other and Wim's ghost keeps the core of a child's innocence and hope alive in each. But they are still very suspicious of outsiders.

The Captains are a group of street-children who live in Stoessel, behind a general store.
Some are orphans, some runaways, and some nomads who occasionally return to their homes. But they're all poor, dirty and perpetually hungry, as well as being wily, unscrupulous and mischievous in a fairly brutal way. Enough of them have suffered at the hands of adults for all of them to be wary of any
grown-ups, particularly ones who ask too many questions, although with hard work and a lot of food it might be possible to win the confidence or even the trust of a few of them.

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