Sunday 10 September 2017


A quick glimpse at the different districts in Marienburg

Suiddock (South Dock)
Suiddock is crammed with warehouses, docks, offices, shops, taverns, flophouses, shipyards, tenements and brothels. Its streets are filled with crowds of people always in motion, all Marienburg's classes and races blending together in an ever-changing swirl.
Landmarks: a lot of Guild houses are located here, such as the Stevedores and Teamsters, the Rivermen's Association, the Brotherhood of Seamen and Pilots, as well as the wasteland Import and Export Exchange, Noormanswijk (Norscan Town), Dwergsbezit (Dwarf's Hold)

Kruiersmuur (Porter's Wall)
Time and progress haven't been kind to Kruiersmuur... The "real" Marienburgers are starting to resent the "outlanders" that are moving in, changing original character of the district with their "foreign ways". Oldest working/middle class area in the city. occupied mostly by artisans and shopkeepers.
Landmarks: Tarnopol's Clock Tower, Remasweg (Remas Way) and Noord Miragliano (North Miragliano) with the Tileans, The halflings of Kleinmoot (Little Moot) and Little Bretonnia (or Garlic-town, or Wijnzak (Wine sack), depending on who you ask)

Winkelmarkt (Craft Market)
Small boat-building companies and famous sausages. Bustling lower middle-class area, in decline.
Landmarks: Dwergbezit (Dwarfhold)

Doodkanaal (The Dead Canal)
 A district and a a sluggish and malodorous waterway choked with trash and sometimes bodies from the worst parts of the city share this name. Evil smells and vapours rise from it, and only those who can’t afford anything better or who aren’t welcome anywhere else willingly live along its banks. The worst of slums, feared and shunned. Dying and blighted.

Vlakland (The Flats)
Inhabited by poor fishermen and others. Often flooded out.

Goudberg (Gold Mound) 
Fashionable upper-class neighbourhood.

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