Sunday 20 May 2018

Red Lantern Canal

“The red lamps hanging from the corners of the building cast a warm enfolding glow over the crazy, ugly, lascivious, promiscuous, mad bad clientele; the small stalls and rooms stuffed with trinkets, cheap weapons, herbal remedies; the sailors on shore leave looking for their bit of stuff; the pickpockets, toolers and beggars fleecing the writhing crowd for all their worth; the dollymops, lounging by the doors of flop houses looking so inviting in the dim light; the macers and magsmen winning again and again in questionable gambling dens; the 'pads making short work of the unwary, turfing their unconscious bodies into some half forgotten alley; the unguilded heavymen for hire. All such life that is best ignored but that enamours the casual visitor and sucks him in - remember, buyer beware! - all these, creep from their daily crawlspaces to welcome the night.”

This short canal is located on the Riddra, entering the Bruenwasser Canal just to the side of the notorious Three Penny Bridge. At each side of the water, a small stone walkway allows pedestrians to make their way down the banks of the canal, although this is often overcrowded and many folk,
especially those who are inebriated, fall into the water on an average night.
While the buildings around the canal are drab and covered in grime during the day, much like the rest of the Riddra, each night the Red Lantern Canal transforms into a fast, lewd hub of dirty glamour as darkness snubs out the sun. The surrounding buildings, each six or seven stories high, give a claustrophobic, trapped sense to the tiny waterway below.
Narrow stone walkways cross the canal from the higher levels, and each building houses any number of trades and characters, lurking, slouched behind anonymous  doors, crammed into tiny cells.
Red Lantern Canal is not the only place like this in Marienburg, but it is easily the most infamous.

Goran set up a small hole-in-the-wall brothel in this area.

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