Saturday 2 June 2018

Draaienbrug Swing Bridge

“Getting to Luydenhoek in the first place meant crossing the Bruenwasser, the main canal used by ocean going vessels, and as he neared it the breeze flowing through the streets began to take on a sharper edge. The thoroughfares began to seem more crowded too, pedestrians, carts and carriages mingling in confusion as they were funnelled into the approaches of the only bridge over the shipping
channel. Unlike many of the other bridges he’d seen in Marienburg the Draaienbrug which spanned the Bruenwasser was free of obstructing houses and market stalls.”

“The entire bridge was rotating around the massive stone pillar beneath the archway, smoke belching from a chimney and wisps of steam escaping from vents in the carriageway. A metallic clatter and screech echoed across the water, louder than anything he’d ever heard. The spectacle was breathtaking. Armand saw an ocean going carrack, its sails cracking in the wind, tacking cautiously around the bridge, which now lay parallel to the flow of the Bruenwasser.”

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