Saturday 2 June 2018

Sander Dubbelman

Sander is an short, stocky man with brown hair and a short beard. He is usually smiling, and rushing around trying to sort out three problems at once. He wears nondescript cotton and leather clothing in browns and white.

When Sander arrived in Marienburg, he fell in love the port city almost immediately. The diversity and cosmopolitan nature of the place enchanted him. For several years, he operated as a coachman travelling the Middenheim-Marienburg route. Then he changed careers, offering to guide newcomers to the city around the instant they got off the coaches. He saw the Helmsmen as a huge gap in the market which he was willing to fulfill. With investment from three coaching companies, he converted and extended a warehouse into a large Inn south of the Draaienbrug Swing Bridge.

Sander is friendly and welcoming, stopping to talk to all his customers. He can be slightly patronising, but whatever advice he gives is well intentioned. He has embraced the Marienburg
mindset though, and is perfectly happy to overcharge as far as he can. Plans for an Inn similar to the Helmsman but built in Middenheim or Altdorf have been drawn up, although Sander is sure that neither of them will be as successful as the Helmsman itself.

Seeing as many people from foreign countries as he does, Sander is a good person to acquire news from anywhere outside Marienburg.

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