Friday 2 March 2018

Vlakland (The Flats)

A very hard to define district, as it basically covers all the land adjacent to the wall encircling the city, on both sides of said wall.

Known locations and landmarks:
  • none
“Desolate salt marsh spread out on either side of the cobbled road, thin tidal pools and patches of slick mud interspersed with tenacious grasses and other plants which clung grimly to life on the margins of the sea. Great masses of seabirds wheeled and screeched overhead, like malevolent clouds, and flocks of them darted about on the mud flats, scrabbling Taal knew what from the
treacherous surface with eager stabs of their beaks. And they weren’t the only ones; to his astonishment he could make out the unmistakable shapes of crude hovels dotted about the desolate landscape and a few flat-bottomed boats grounded on the mud from which the smoking of cooking fires rose lazily against the sky.”

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