Sunday 6 May 2018

The Long Dragon Inn

“It’s a good thing you can’t drink and talk at the same time – ‘cause when you’re at the Long Dragon, you want to enjoy the drink and say as little as possible. There’s some people there you don’t want to rub the wrong way, if you know what I mean.”

“That Wald woman is as sweet to the eye as Karel’s brew is to the tongue. But there’s more to her than good looks and a sweet smile, mind my word!”

In the south-eastern corner of Potion Square, on the island of Luydenhoek,  you can find the Long Dragon, a tavern known throughout the Suiddock and beyond for two things: its prime beer, as well as the need to keep a low profile while you enjoy it.

The establishment is run by Karel Broegman and Lotte Wald, and there are two other permanent residents at the Long Dragon, filling up what used to be the pair of rooms for rent. One is the notorious Grossbart, an elderly, overweight and soft-spoken man to the casual observer (if one such ever were to see him) yet to all those in the know a ruthless and calculating master tradesman in just about any activity not allowed under Wasteland law. Few
coins change hand in Luydenhoek without a share going to either the Excise or Grossbart – or both.

The other rooms are occupied by Fredje Gustaaf  and Rolf Plugge, Grossbart’s right-hand man.

After Grossbart's downfall and Rolf's disappearance, Titus generously gave the Inn to Jormund, taking up residency himself on Hightower Isle.
Jormund and Goran live in the inn now, running their shady business from the (recently cleansed) luxurious quarters.

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