Saturday 18 August 2018

Fredje Gustaaf (DISAPPEARED)

Fredje Gustaaf, one of Grossbart’s men , resides in one of the Dragon’s rooms, within call of Grossbart if needed. Fredje is a big and brutish looking man in his early forties, who happily takes care of Grossbart’s dirty work.

A long life in the seedier parts of Marienburg has left Fredje with little care for the well-being of people other than himself – an  outlook that certainly keeps him quite satisfied with his current livelihood.

Many people in Suiddock dread the appearance of Fredje, as one of his jobs is to summon people to Grossbart and make sure they get there on time – whether they want to or not.

Our rogues found out in Chapter 6 that he was involved with the gang of Estalians, led by El Verdugo, that was trying to force their way into Stoessel, and, more importantly, Riddra.

After a fight in the Wasteland, he cut a deal, revealing Grossbart's plans in exchange for his live, never to show his face again in Marienburg.

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