Saturday 24 February 2018

Anton Loewijer

Anton served as a marine for several years, rising to the rank of sergeant before he retired. He spent time on the same ship as Goran, before his retirement.

His father had been a tanner, so Anton took to the trade and applied the brusque efficiency he developed during his military career. Although his workload is increasing steadily as his reputation spreads, he still manages to keep the tannery running smoothly with just two apprentices.

His shop, Loewijer's Tannery, is located near Potion Square, on Luydenhoek, one of Suiddock's islands.

Rikkert Bot (DEAD)

Jormund had been introduced to Rikkert shortly after his inn burned down.
Rikkert used him for a few (body)guard jobs over the next few months.
Jormund introduced Rikkert to Jormund, who decided to give the Estalian a chance.

He seems to be on friendly terms with Sweaty Olaf from the Rusty Barnacle inn, and Olaf.

At 5'6", he's not a big man, although he is fast and pretty strong for a guy his size. There's little memorable about him, with his always slightly dirty appearance, apart from an intense look in his eyes.

Although he was until recently not part of any of Titus' crew, he did enjoy the trust of the Lieutenant, organizing jobs with unaffiliated lowlives.

After someone tried to stitch up Rikkert's guys, He saw a chance to move up. He told them to find out who was behind the attempt to blame them for a number of unsanctioned burglaries. The information revealed that one of Titus' crew leaders, Cees Muysser, was behind it. During a dinner for the Riddra thieves guild, Titus, Rikkert, and his new members, killed Cees and his men, taking their place in the organisation.

Over time his crew started to resent some of his marks more and more, feeling like they had to do all the heavy lifting while Rikkert was "sitting on his fat arse". dissent grew and during the showdown with Grossbart in his vile 'temple' Rikkert was gravely wounded by one of Grossbart's shambling creatures. Jormund checked Rikkert's body, and feeling a pulse, he shanked him a few times to send his boss on his way to Morr.

"Sweaty" Olaf

Owner of the "Rusty Barnacle", one of the Kruiersmuur’s “rougher” establishments.
The Rusty Barnacle is at the very east end of the Kruiersmuur, so close to the Vloedmuur that it is practically in the Vlakland.

Sweaty Olaf is a very large man, walking with a pronounced limp. Always smiling and ready with a story, his eyes seem to be assessing you, as if he has some kind of plan going on in his head.

Thiel seems to have history with this man, and ended up doing a job for him, together with his nephew Ras and Goran.

Sweaty Olaf also introduced them to Rikkert, Jormund and Armand.

Tuesday 6 February 2018


Known locations and landmarks:
The Doodkanaal, or Dead Canal, Ward is the most run down area of Marienburg though it was once a thriving district where trade flowed freely. Slowly, as the canals and waterways of the rest of the city changed, the currents of the watercourse through the canton became sluggish. The canal clogged with waste and barges no longer travelled that way.

In Marienburg where there is no trade, there is no money. The district fell into disrepair as merchants moved away, closer to the active trade routes. Those who could afford to leave did so, leaving the poor and desperate behind. The Dead Canal district turned into a hub of crime and villainy, a haven for those who wished to hide from the more civilised areas of the city. Nowadays the Black Hats fear to enter and the ruling guilds ignore it in their bustling city. 

Whilst seemingly lawless, some sort of civilisation still exists within shops and taverns, as people attempt to claw their way out of the direst of circumstances. There is no City Watch post in the Doodkanaal and the responsibility for maintaining law and order theoretically falls to the Winkelmarkt Black Caps as the nearest barracks.


Known locations and landmarks:
One of the islands that make up Suiddock district.

Hightower Isle

The small island connects the north and south side of Marienburg by bridge.

Known locations and landmarks:
  • Marienburg Secretariat for Trade Equity
  • Wasteland Import-Export Exchange
  • a number of upmarket and exclusive shops.
  • It is also the new home of Titus, the new Captain of the Thieves Guild in Suiddock.


Known locations and landmarks:
One of the islands that make up Suiddock district.


Known locations and landmarks:

One of the islands that make up Suiddock district.


Known locations and landmarks:
One of the islands that make up Suiddock district.


The Suiddock

(needs map)

Suiddock is made up off 5 areas:
“‘This is the Suiddock,’ Thiel said, as they passed through an area which seemed to consist largely of warehouses and taverns. There were more wharves and canals here too, which Ras mainly glimpsed through gaps between the larger structures, most of the berths occupied by ocean-going vessels whose masts towered over the buildings surrounding them like trees in the forest. Other docks played host to riverboats. Sweating stevedores swarmed over ship and boat alike removing and loading cargoes, or transferring them between the two. The vast majority of bundles and barrels seemed to be destined for the warehouses surrounding them and several times Ras had to stand aside to let a laden handcart trundle past. ‘It’s a bit out of our way to be honest, but I thought you’d like to see it. You can’t really get a good sense of what Marienburg is all about until you’ve seen the docks.”

The Bruenwasser Kanal is one of the few channels deep enough to handle the many ocean-going vessels that visit Marienburg. For almost a mile, both sides of the Bruenwasser are lined with docks, warehouses, counting houses, mercantile offices, shipyards, taverns and brothels. This waterfront is Suiddock – the heart of Marienburg, and the crossroads of the world. It is said that everyone and everything that moves into and out of the Old World passes through Suiddock at some point.