Saturday 2 June 2018

Bernhard Von Schwerdblitz

A tall, VERY confident man in his late 40s with long blonde hair, a perfectly trimmed beard and the most magnificent moustache ever seen this side of the Imperial border, this Swordmaster Extraordinaire (emphasis on Master, please) is unrivaled in hat-throwing skills.

Armand and Goran met him while waiting for a contact of Titus at the Helmsman

Eventually, he assisted them (well, he observed their actions while pretending to be asleep) to capture and kill the assassin who already had killed Bruno previously.

Later on, he helped Rikkert's crew to take down Grossbart. Afterwards, Titus paid him handsomely to cover Armand's further training.

"You've got to do something about your legwork, Armand..."

"I just got stabbed in the leg, I'm bleeding!!!!"

"That's no excuse for sloppy legwork..."

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