Ras disappeared in the early morning, taking his leave of the group in the company of Durak, the dwarf he had been spending much time in conversation with regarding the ways of thievery.
Jormund also had disappeared, sent by Titus the accompany Solomon and begin his training in the ways of interrogation.
This left Goran and Armand to keep themselves occupied as days passed with no sign of either Ras or Jormund returning.
Goran made his usual rounds of the brothel he had set up with the help of the team, Armand questioned the street urchins who had been instructed to keep count of the men who entered, Goran questioned the girls, the count close enough to be accurate and not reflecting a loss.
As Goran and Armand entered the gentleman’s club, everything was as it should be during the waking hours, quiet and lazy, the sound of their footsteps across the wooden floor echoing in between the chewing of food emanating from a few early risers looking to vacate before the rush. Within a few minutes, Titus emerged atop the balcony, looking directly at Goran and Armand, motioning for them to come upstairs.
As Goran and Armand made there way to the top of the stairs, Titus ushered them down the long hallway, past many doors, each showing less use and finer woodwork than the one before. Entering Titus’s office, a large room filled with elegant bookcases, worn yet fine furniture and a large desk, a man already sitting off to the side.
Goran and Armand sat in the two comfortable chairs facing the desk, the strange man sitting to their right, resembling a man from the north, his long hair mixed with scruffy beard, hiding the fact that he was obviously younger than he wanted to appear.

The mission was simple, Armand and Goran were to assist Vincent, watching for the contact to arrive, a tall thin man with gaunt features, Vincent the only member of the crew to lay eyes on the man previously. Goran and Armand were more protection than anything else, the large bag of Gold, not something Titus was willing to part with without results. This was a personal mission for Titus, not something he was comfortable going to his lieutenants with.
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The Helmsman |
Understanding the situation, Goran and Armand agreed, introducing themselves properly to Vincent, conversing about how he saw this meeting going down.
After allowing for the elements to rule the journey, the three men were wrapped in cloaks, the torrential downpour of rain slowing their progress. The Helmsman was located at the southern end of the main rotating bridge in Suiddock, a constant stopping point for all travellers passing through. As the sun began to set, the three entered the main gates of the courtyard that lay before the main entrance to the Helmsman.
Goran swung the gate open to reveal a rabble of men at arms, servants and well-dressed individuals hovering around a series of coaches that lay dormant in the courtyard. Servants ferrying trunks and belongings inside, Men at arms standing guard, a well-dressed fat man ordering all about. Moving through the rain, the three payed little attention to the teams of people in the courtyard, entering the large oak doors of the Helmsman, immediately removing their drenched cloaks and wiping the water from their eyes to reveal a large common room and bar, tables positions so that walkways remained clear, several groups of people hovering around different locations, predominantly around the roaring fireplace.

Vincent moved through the tables towards the bar, waiting patiently as the fat man from outside had begun speaking loudly to the man behind the bar, the discussion revealing that Gustaf, the fat man, was making plans for his liege to be housed in the finest rooms, booking out a whole wing of the upstairs apartments.
Sander, the man speaking with Gustaf, a gaunt man yet well-mannered and serious. As Gustaf moved away, Vincent engaged Sander, ordering food and drink for the three men, a gentle nod as to the reason for the visit, booking a room upstairs in case the wait required rest and shifts to watch for the coming delivery.

As the door of the inn flung open again, a large man in a broad hat entered, clad in fine black garb, he was clearly not part of the entourage that had been making the commotion of bustling trunks and servants. Removing his cloak, he was armed with two fine pistols that hung from his waist, accompanied by a fine sabre sheathed at his side, another finely crafted dagger on his spare flank.
The man marched across the room to the bar, demanding the best room, finding that it was occupied, he was not discouraged, demanding the next best room available and the finest wine served. Taking a seat in the centre of the room, his eyes crossed over all the occupants, coming to rest of the beautiful sword that hung from Goran’s hip. His eyes also came to rest briefly on Armand, carrying the same form of weapons as himself, yet not anywhere close to the quality. The man was loud and confident, to Armand who had taken an interest, he was either an extremely rich and gifted fighter, or a fake, and dressed for a role he had no business in playing.
As the food arrived eventually for the three travellers, a woman dressed in the simple garb of a servant emerged from upstairs, heading straight for the large arm wrestling Norseman. Her words caused an uproar. Bruno stood at his full height, a monster of a man. The words spoken were for him to retire at the request of his master. Goran had the slight look on his face of measuring the giant up in case a brawl would break out, however Bruno, the giant scraped his pile of gold from the table and marched upstairs, a scowl plastered across his face.

After the priest spoke with Sander for some time he exited the inn, only to return a few minutes later accompanied by three other priests, between them carrying a coffin. It had been arranged that the four would keep one room, the priests and body would reside inside for the duration of the night.

The rules of the Inn had been explained to Goran, Armand and Vincent, no violence. Armand jumped to his feet immediately, flanking the woman and passing Sander a god coin in front of the woman to cover the damage and apologise for the disturbance. Sander spoke to the woman about her actions before allowing her to sit and rest due to Armand’s intervention. Armand also ordered the woman a drink, introducing himself, Ursula, a strong woman, Armand did not know if he should be afraid or impressed.
Goran had taken position at the table where the finely dressed man was sipping his expensive wine. Bernhardt Von Schwertblitz, a man well-travelled, he could not resist the conversation about how Goran had come into possession of a weapon so fine.
After sharing a drink, Goran took his leave and moved back to Vincent, watching the room for any signs of their contact. Armand also approached Bernhardt, another conversation regarding his exploits and a respect for a fellow swordsman. Bernhardt sported long golden locks, a well maintained beard and long moustache, his appearance was not that of scars under closer inspection, again Armand could not help but think that a man with so little scars was not a real fighter. Also eventually taking he leave, Armand sat on the opposite side of the drinking hall, watching the room and making constant eye contact with Goran to make sure they were both on task.
Another three travellers clad in dark robes entered the tavern, each of whom sporting beards and weathered faces, none of them the man being watched for, ordering drinks and keeping to themselves, they eventually payed for a room and traversed the stairs multiple times in search of food and wine.
Another servant from the entourage entered the large space from the stair case, issuing orders for all members of the entourage to retire for the evening. After a short time, all of the servants had withdrawn to the boarding rooms on the ground floor, some of the men at arms joining them, others retiring upstairs. The common room was hushed with the sudden removal of the many occupants who had retired.
After a short while Bruno emerged from atop the stairs, a sly grin on his face at the sight of all of the Cadre having been removed from the main common room. Moving quietly down the stairs Bruno took up his seat at the table Armand had been occupying, explaining that this was his table, meaning no offence, Armand withdrew ordering a large drink for both Bruno and Ursula who occupied different tables. After Bruno had destroyed more arms belonging to the various occupants, Ursula stood next to him, challenging him to an arm wrestle. Hesitant, Bruno accepted as the prize was five gold. Every put money down, Goran, Armand, Vincent, Bernhardt, everyone. After a well pitched battle, more gold changed hands before Bruno sweated out his victory, eventually pinning Ursula’s hand against the table edge.
As the excitement of the dual faded, Bruno continued to wrestle until the pickings were slim. Many of the various occupants were starting the fade, passing out from the sound of the hammering rain and the mass intake of drink. Armand was the first to fade, expressing to the others that he would retire to their room for the first time, asking for an hour before changing with the next man in need of rest.
Heading upstairs, Armand could see the corridor leading to where the entourage was occupying. Fully armoured men at arms guarding one of the doors. Entering the room they had hired, a large arm chair sat in the corner, two single beds along the closest wall, the small window revealing the dim flashes of distant lightning.

Downstairs, Goran decided to take a walk across the courtyard in search of their contact, having seen no sign of him previously, Goran’s patience was wearing thin. Vincent also began to move around the room, looking for signs of the contact who had yet failed to reveal himself.
The three strange men clad in dark clothes, boatmen from what their appearance said, retired upstairs, the sound of their boots echoing along the wooden corridor, coming to rest within a room directly across the hall from where Armand was resting.
As Goran re-entered the tavern, his cloak freshly drenched, his eyes were showing signs of irritation at the lack of anyone coming that matched the description.
Another servant appeared at the top of the stairs, summoning Bruno back to his room, angry and wild, Bruno dismissed the servant who immediately retreated. Returning a few moments later, the servant again demanded Bruno back to bed, explaining that the “Lady” knows he is out of bed. Again Bruno stood, towering over the table, trudging back up the stairs, the servant staying well out of arms reach.
As the night grew darker, one of the priests came marching down the stairs, Vincent watching him carefully, the priest passed more coins to Sander, as Goran also watched, he was sure that the hand extending the coins to Sander was made of nothing other than bones, a sight that shocked Goran. As the priest returned upstairs, Ursula immediately moved to Sander, exchanging coins of her own, Vincent reading her lips explained to Goran that she mentioned to Sander she worked for the Directorate and was on official business regarding the priests. Ursula moved back to her seat as Armand stumbled down the stairs to re-join his fellow guild members.
The short fat man Gustav also emerged a short time later dressed in a silk nightshirt and dressing gown, ordering a large bottle of brandy before returning upstairs.
Goran engaged with Armand, expressing is vast disappointment of the evenings events. Motioning to Vincent in his anger, the only positive he could sight was the conversation with Bernhardt regarding the fine weapons each man possessed.
Vincent entered the conversation as he joined the two men in discussion, Vincent and Goran both decided to head upstairs for some rest as Armand ordered another drink to keep himself awake.
Goran took to the arm chair in the room, Vincent took to the farthest single bed from the doorway. As Goran looked around the room, a strange sight caught his eye. Under the bed closest to the door, what appeared to be a boot was visible.
Moving over to the bed, grabbing Vincent on the way, Goran slid the bed across the floor to reveal not only a boot, but one the boatmen that had come upstairs almost 30 minutes earlier, his head caved in, a small piece of paper pinned to his body, two letters written on it. Goran told Vincent to get Armand from downstairs as he was not able to decipher the letters, knowing Armand was schooled, he may be able to identify the message.
Within a minute, Armand was standing over the body, removing the paper and reading the two letters, and entwined combination of B and C.
Armand left the room to check the corridor for any signs of movement while Goran and Vincent discussed between themselves how best to deal with the body. As Armand took a few steps out of the room, a door down the hall creaked open, revealing the young man who entered with the woman and two guards, he motioned for Armand to approach. His hand on his short blade, Armand was asked by the young man to deliver a message to the dormitory for a servant of the entourage named Hans, he would pay 10 gold for the delivery. Never one to shy away from coin, Armand took the message and the gold, swiftly moving downstairs to the dormitory, scanning the room for anyone that look out of place as to the body recently discovered.
Locating Hans amongst the masses of servants all in the throws of sleep was a challenge, however Armand discovered the man, escorting him back to the upstairs area. While Armand stood in the corridor watching Hans disappear inside the room of the young man, another servant approached from the corridor occupied by the company of servants and men at arms. Goran and Vincent emerged from their room, quickly informing Armand that they were heading to talk to Sander regarding their discovery. Telling them he would catch up, Armand was watching the servant closely who was beckoning him to approach.
Armand advance on the servant, small and quiet, the servant explained that Gustaf, the fat man, desired to see him. Again puzzled by the request, Armand moved down the corridor past the fully armoured men on guard at the largest doorway. A slight knock on the door, it opened immediately to show Gustaf looking worried and shaky.
Armand entered Gustaf’s room, one of the finest in the establishment. Gustaf explained that there were men here trying to blackmail him, three of them. Gustaf explained that he needed the men removed from the premises, preferably from life. Armand was curious, he always desired to test his steel, however in a full inn, soldiers and drunks everywhere, this was going to be a challenge.
The offer of 250 gold pieces was more than Armand had seen in some time, yet knowing the risk, his demand of 300 was met instantly, whatever the issue was with these men, it was clearly worth paying for. The men in question, the three men occupying the room across the hall from Armand, Vincent and Goran, one of these men, already dead under the bed.
Armand took his leave of Gustaf, promising to return when the deed was done. Goran and Vincent were explaining the predicament to Sander who in turn was shocked and appalled at the rules being broken so grievously in his lodgings. Demanding that Goran, Vincent and Armand made no mention of it, he did not want to offend the entourage and clearly wealthy patron upstairs with the news.
Armand caught Goran and Vincent at the counter with Sander, cutting into the conversation, Armand requested of Sander the master key to the room of the two men across the hall, explaining that they were the culprits and that the three of them would be happy to silence the potential threat in a manner that would be undiscovered to the company upstairs.
Goran, always keen for a fight did not hesitate, backing Armand’s judgement and taking the key from Sander. Vincent had no choice but to follow the two fighters, Goran was already considering the night to be a lost cause, an opportunity to make some money was not something to be passed up. On the stairs leading up to the room, the plan was simple, Goran would open the door, Armand would enter first with his blades, Goran and Vincent would clean up the last man.

The man was tight lipped, it was clear this was not the first time he had been in a position where a blade was against his throat.
After Goran and Vincent worked for a few minutes in a vain attempt to get the man to talk, Goran felt he had no choice but to leave the man in the care of Armand for blood to certainly spill, Armand was still wiping the fresh blood from his sword the entire time that Goran and Vincent were asking questions.
After the man gave simple explanations as to why he would not talk, mainly due to the fact that if he did, he would be killed, clearly not worried about the possibility of being killed in the here and now. Goran motioned to Armand, the swiftly took Vincent by the shoulder, explaining that they would wait downstairs.
Armand sat down next to the man, exchanging eye contact for what seemed like an hour. The man seemed strangely calm, not they eyes of a man likely to die within minutes. Armand spoke first, he did not want to kill the man. He was puzzled by the initials BC or CB found on the parchment that this man carried as well as the corpse in the other room. The man explained, if he was to live, he would owe Armand a favour, Armand however would have to find him and his people.
Armand explained that two bodies would need to be in this room, if he was to let the man live, he would need to disappear, the body next door would need to be moved in to this room. The man agreed, Armand was uncertain, but in the end agreed to spare the man, enough was happening that was beyond his control to take yet another life in this confined space.
After the body was moved into the room, Armand withdrew, allowing the man to escape by any means he saw fit. Armand then knocked on the door of Gustaf again, this time collecting the bad of gold containing 300 pieces.
Armand returned downstairs, thinking to himself that even if this mission for Titus was a bust, at least it was not a total loss.
Goran and Vincent had begun drinking again, it was clear that sleep would elude them this evening, instead sitting at the table with Bernhardt, sharing fine wine.

The brawl was short lived, Goran, Vincent and Armand all landing several blows on multiple drunken assailants, other patrons within the common room also swarming, Ursula knocking one cold with a single punch. The drunks were thrown violently into the rain as they were all bloodies and semi conscious, the leader of the crew, bleeding from every part of his face, several teeth missing began dragging himself towards the main gate of the courtyard, his tail between his legs.
As the scramble of the brawl died down, thudding and loud noises emitted from the top of the stairs, Sander running up immediately. The Priests room sourced the noise, only to fall silent as quickly as the noise had begun. Something strange was happening in the minds of Goran, Armand and Vincent, this was a strange night to be on an errand. As the chairs and tables were put back in place in the aftermath of the brawl, a howling scream echoed once more from upstairs. One of the servants of the entourage emerged surrounded by men at arms.

As the discussion continued, Goran’s explanation was simple, in the brawl that had taken place earlier, his dagger must have been removed or stolen, also taking offense at the notion of his stupidity of leaving a murder weapon stuck in a victim. It was decided that Goran and his associates, Vincent and Armand were to be disarmed, locked in their room under guard until the Black Hats arrival in the morning to have them arrested. Goran again was displeased, refusing to give up his sword easily, head-butting the first man to try and take it from him. After another argument, eventually Goran yielded, moving up the stairs with his compatriots and stepping inside his room.
As the three remained locked in their room, more screams of discovered bodies were heard through the door, Armand, Goran and Vincent were not surprised, it was always going to be a matter of time before everyone was discovered.
Sleeping as best they could, the three were woken as the rain continued to pelt down through the darkness, barely two in the morning, less than an hour since they were locked in. A servant entered the room, a finger to his lips, beckoning the three to follow. The empty corridor led them to a door that opened with a knock from the servant. Inside, Bernhardt sat with the Lady who had ordered the three locked up.
She explained in great detail, she was sorry for the disguise of having them locked up, she was on her way to Altdorf for a trial by combat, she had been accused by the Dammenblatz, a rival in the court, Bruno was her champion, however his recent murder has left her without a champion. Convinced that this was the work of an assassin, she had appointed Bernhardt her new champion and that Goran, Vincent and Armand were to remain in the room, their weapons returned with Bernhardt as she was sure that the Dammenblatz’s assassin would try again. The Lady conveyed she would clear everything with the Black Hats when they arrived in the morning, but this needed to be stopped.
Reluctantly, but more to the point, necessarily the three agreed. The guards would remain on the door to their room so that nothing looked out of place, the four of them would wait for whatever was to come.
It did not take long, Armand, Goran and Vincent sat quietly against the walls of the room, Bernhardt sleeping in the bed, snoring loudly. Armand was the first to hear the strange scuffling noise faintly echoing down the chimney of the room. Waking Goran silently, followed by Vincent, the three took up positions around the chimney as not to be seen. Bernhardt was also awake, continuing to snore as to not alarm the would be assassin.
The scuffling sound continued, drawing closer until a shadow emerged from the fireplace, lean and gaunt. Armand was the first to move, his sabre slicing at the shadow, Goran and Vincent also hacked and lunged. The shadow was fast, dodging and parrying several blows. Armand catching the attacked on the side, however not slowing the assassin at all. Vincent shrieked as a knife sliced his thigh, sending him to the ground in searing pain, screaming of the burning pain. Goran hacked again, making contact with the shoulder of the assassin only in turn to be sliced across the bicep. Goran recoiled as the burning agony of the blade caused him to let out a rough grimace. Armand continued to strike, connecting several times only to have the blows shaken off by the shadow clad figure.
A loud pistol shot rang out inside the room, Bernhardt had held his fire until now, his pistol shot narrowly missing the head of the assassin. Armand flinched at the shot, enough for the assassin to slice his blade across Armand’s face. Recoiling, Armand let loose wild upward swing of his sword, connecting with the face of the assassin, slicing his face in two, sending him flat on his back. Armand gripped his face, yet he did not feel the intense burning the others had screamed about. The door flung open, men at arms storming the room to see the sight of Armand, one hand on his face, the other gripping his sword and pointing it at the assassins neck, Bernhardt levelling a pistol at the assassins chest, Vincent and Goran both stumbling to get a good look at the assassin.
The Lady entered the room, relieved to see her plan had worked, however the deep black scar that had formed across Armand’s face, Goran’s arm and Vincent’s leg proved to clearly be the work of a hired killer employing poison.
Bandaging their wounds, the three returned to their room, rest and pain relief their only immediate concern.
Morning brought with it new horrors, as the three left their room, a small huddle of servants were standing around the entrance to the room occupied by the priests of Morr. All within the room had been sliced open, the coffin they carried, cracked and revealing a headless corpse, still warm. Ursula, the Norse woman was gone.

Sitting downstairs, drinking wine and chewing on cold meat, Armand and Goran were startled by the noises that begun upstairs. Titus was clearly upset, something was wrong, very wrong.
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